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Bridge collectors

DebugBar comes with some "bridge" collectors. This collectors provides a way to integrate other projects with the DebugBar.


Displays cache operations using DebugBar\Bridge\CacheCacheCollector

$cache = new CacheCache\Cache(new CacheCache\Backends\Memory());
$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\CacheCacheCollector($cache));

CacheCache uses Monolog for logging, thus it is required to collect data.

CacheCacheCollector subclasses MonologCollector, thus it can be aggregated in the messages view.


Displays sql queries into an SQL queries view using DebugBar\Bridge\DoctrineCollector. You will need to set a Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack logger on your connection.

$debugStack = new Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack();
$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\DoctrineCollector($debugStack));

DoctrineCollector also accepts an Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager as argument provided the SQLLogger is a ̀DebugStack`.


Integrates Monolog messages into a message view using DebugBar\Bridge\MonologCollector.

$logger = new Monolog\Logger('mylogger');
$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\MonologCollector($logger));

Note that multiple logger can be collected:


MonologCollector can be aggregated into the MessagesCollector.


Displays propel queries into an SQL queries view using DebugBar\Bridge\PropelCollector. You will need to activate Propel debug mode.

// before Propel::init()
$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\PropelCollector());


// after Propel::init()
// not mandatory if you set config options by yourself

Queries can be collected on a single connection by providing the PropelPDO object to the PropelCollector as first argument.


Displays message from the Slim logger into a message view using DebugBar\Bridge\SlimCollector.

$app = new Slim\Slim();
$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\SlimCollector($app));

Swift Mailer

Display log messages and sent mail using DebugBar\Bridge\SwiftMailer\SwiftLogCollector and DebugBar\Bridge\SwiftMailer\SwiftMailCollector.

$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance(Swift_NullTransport::newInstance());
$debugbar['messages']->aggregate(new DebugBar\Bridge\SwiftMailer\SwiftLogCollector($mailer));
$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\SwiftMailer\SwiftMailCollector($mailer));

Symfony Mailer

Display log messages and sent mail using DebugBar\Bridge\Symfony\SymfonyMailCollector

use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Event\SentMessageEvent;

$mailCollector = new DebugBar\Bridge\Symfony\SymfonyMailCollector();
$eventDispatcher->addListener(SentMessageEvent::class, function (SentMessageEvent $event) use (&$mailCollector): void {


Version 1 and 2

This collector uses the class Twig_Extension_Profiler to collect info about rendered templates, blocks and macros. You need to inject the root Twig_Profiler_Profile into the collector:

$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('.');
$env = new Twig_Environment($loader);
$profile = new Twig_Profiler_Profile();
$env->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Profiler($profile));
$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\TwigProfileCollector($profile));

Version 2 and 3

This collector uses the class Twig\Extension\ProfilerExtension to collect info about rendered templates, blocks and macros. You need to inject the root Twig\Profiler\Profile into the collector:

use DebugBar\Bridge\NamespacedTwigProfileCollector;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Extension\ProfilerExtension;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
use Twig\Profiler\Profile;

$loader = new FilesystemLoader('.');
$env = new Environment($loader);
$profile = new Profile();
$env->addExtension(new ProfilerExtension($profile));
$debugbar->addCollector(new NamespacedTwigProfileCollector($profile));

Optional debugbar twig extensions

You can optionally use DebugBar\Bridge\Twig\TimeableTwigExtensionProfiler in place of Twig\Profiler\Profile so render operation can be measured.

use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
use Twig\Profiler\Profile;

$loader = new FilesystemLoader('.');
$env = new Environment($loader);
$profile = new Profile();

$env->addExtension(new DebugBar\Bridge\Twig\TimeableTwigExtensionProfiler($profile, $debugbar['time']));
$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\TwigProfileCollector($profile));

Other optional extensions add functions and tags for debugbar integration into templates.

use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader;
use Twig\Profiler\Profile;

$loader = new FilesystemLoader('.');
$env = new Environment($loader);
$profile = new Profile();

// enable {% measure 'foo' %} {% endmeasure %} tags for time measure on templates
// this extension adds timeline items to TimeDataCollector
$twig->addExtension(new DebugBar\Bridge\Twig\MeasureTwigExtension($debugbar['time']));

$twig->enableDebug(); // if Twig\Environment debug is disabled, dump/debug are ignored

// enable {{ dump('foo') }} function on templates
// this extension allows dumping data using debugbar DataFormatter
$twig->addExtension(new DebugBar\Bridge\Twig\DumpTwigExtension());

// enable {{ debug('foo') }} function on templates
// this extension allows debugging in MessageCollector
$twig->addExtension(new DebugBar\Bridge\Twig\DebugTwigExtension($debugbar['messages']));

$debugbar->addCollector(new DebugBar\Bridge\TwigProfileCollector($profile));