DebugBar supports storing collected data for later analysis.
You'll need to set a storage handler using setStorage()
on your DebugBar
$debugbar->setStorage(new DebugBar\Storage\FileStorage('/path/to/dir'));
Each time DebugBar::collect()
is called, the data will be persisted.
Available storage¶
It will collect data as json files under the specified directory (which has to be writable).
$storage = new DebugBar\Storage\FileStorage($directory);
Stores data inside a Redis hash. Uses Predis.
$storage = new DebugBar\Storage\RedisStorage($client);
Stores data inside a database.
$storage = new DebugBar\Storage\PdoStorage($pdo);
The table name can be changed using the second argument and sql queries
can be changed using setSqlQueries()
Creating your own storage¶
You can easily create your own storage handler by implementing the
Request ID generator¶
For each request, the debug bar will generate a unique id under which to store the
collected data. This is perform using a DebugBar\RequestIdGeneratorInterface
If none are defined, the debug bar will automatically use DebugBar\RequestIdGenerator
which uses the $_SERVER
array to generate the id.